

Netizen Buzz was started out of a desire to bridge the gap between what happens in K-Entertainment and why it had to happen. Unlike any other entertainment industry in the world, netizens (internet citizens) play a pivotal role in the decision making process of Korean entertainment companies, and their power and influence simply just cannot be ignored.

Keep in mind that the idiots and trolls you see in the comments section of sites like allkpop or Soompi exist worldwide.

All translations are mine unless quoted or otherwise noted and must be taken out with full credits linking Netizen Buzz.

네티즌 버즈 블로그에서 번역되는 댓글들이 한국 대중의 반응이라고 말한적은 단 한번도 없습니다.  극 소수의 네티즌들이 다는 댓글이라는 점은 해외 독자분들도 잘 알고 있는 사실이며 이 댓글과 반응들이 한국 연예계에 미치는 영향을 알고 싶어해 이 블로그가 탄생되었습니다. 악의적은 댓글은 인터넷 어디에나 존재한다는 사실도 잘 알고 있으며 이걸 곧이곧대로 "한국 대중의 반응"이라고 받아들이는 독자는 없습니다.

Frequently used TAGS:

Same Old: Usually used for posts that have repetitive or similar comments to other posts on the same artist. 

Media Play: Articles where netizens suspect "media play" is applied. See the FAQ for more info.

Hollywood: Umbrella tag that encompasses everything outside of Korean entertainment. First started as a tag specifically for the Hollywood industry but is now used for every foreign industry/celebrity in general.

Rumor Mill: Blind items and other X-File rumors that have been circulating on the internet.

TV: Everything related to Korean variety shows and dramas.

Anecdotes: Short fan accounts of celebrities that may or may not be true but are widely circulated and shared among fanbases.

LOL: Funny posts.

WTF: Posts that make you scratch your head.

Non-Entertainment: Everything outside of the entertainment industry. May include politics, society, education, culture, etc.

Pann: Posts translated off of the Nate Pann community.

Telzone: Posts translated off of the Telzone community.

Instiz: Posts translated off of the Instiz community.

Positive Dumps: Discontinued. See the FAQ for more info.

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